Behind The Mask – Slay the Insane Cultist, a mad magician with powerful spells.As of version 1.3.4, there are six unimplemented achievements in the game code:.The nine trophies without a corresponding achievement are: Appease the Volcano Gods, Back for Second, Completionist, Gone in 60 seconds, Hellevator, Homicidal, Is This Heaven?, Leap a tall building in a single bound, and Safe Fall.The And Good Riddance! achievement is the least completed achievement in Terraria on Steam, due to grinding needed to obtain the achievement.refers to the player completing an action while Xbox 360 simply states that the action was performed. Achievements for and Xbox 360 have different descriptions in terms of wording.Pinky (Gelatin World Tour, Vehicular Manslaughter, and Pretty in Pink).

There is one enemy capable of completing five achievements at once:.Click here to view full info table Hide full info table Notes